
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Molten Lava Cake. No Evacuation Required

Molten lava cake, as good as it sounds, was actually a baking disaster. The story goes that a chef was baking a chocolate cake but pulled it out of the oven too soon. The resulting cake was still runny on the inside. With no time available to bake it further, the chef decided to introduce the dessert as chocolate "lava" cake.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Chocolate Is Our Life

According to Forrest Gump's momma, "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get."

Image from 9GAG

Sunday, September 23, 2012

BWB2012: Just Chocolates supports "Think before you click"

Just Chocolates invaded Davao Bloggers' 1st Blog Weekend Bootcamp held in Malagos Garden Resort. This 3-day live-in conference connects bloggers of different field and we got to learn topics on photo blogging, video blogging, blogging ethics, niche blogging, creative writing, and so much more.

We were divided into groups which comprises of beginner and experienced bloggers. We were tasked to help beginners create their blogs. Fortunately for our group, all of us already have blogs from diverse fields.

For our next task, we were to give our opinions on "Think before you click". A campaign about responsible use of social media. We made a video about it and you can watch it below.

Being a part of the blogosphere, you are responsible for what you say, what you do, and what you click in the Internet. You must be cautious on what you post online. Before clicking the publish button, you have to think if you are going to offend anyone with your status, tweet, or your article.

When browsing the web, you should be careful of what sites and links that you open as well as forms that you fill up. It can be possible that your information can be hijacked and used without your knowledge or, worse, in a crime.

It is possible to avoid this by looking at the URL and check if it contains suspicious codes. You can also try copying the URL and open it manually in the browser to avoid highjacking your click.

Also, try to avoid giving too much information like location which criminals can use to monitor you and give them an opportunity to rob you. Think twice before checking in in a place, making sure that  it is public and safe.

With this, Just Chocolates fully support the "Think before you click" campaign. Watch the video that our group (Thinkers and Clickers) made in the bootcamp. Enjoy!

Update: Additional video I found while browsing the web.

Monday, April 26, 2010

5 Chocolate Myths You Need To Know

People have different reasons why they don't eat chocolates. These reasons may be based from some myths they've heard somewhere. Some of them may and have been proven to be true but others are totally fictitious. Here are several chocolate myths that you might need to know that remained myths.

Do chocolate cause pimples?

Chocolates does not give you pimples. According to most researches today, pimples are caused by lifestyle and hormones than any food at all. Real chocolates (bitter ones) contains antioxidants which actually helps make your skin look better. In fact, pimples are caused by milk that it's mixed with. That's right, you have read correctly. That healthy drink that our grandmothers make us drink are the villains in our pimple problems. Others say that sugars may also cause pimples. Though the connection between sugars and pimples has not been proven yet.

It contains an insanely high amount of caffeine.

Nope. You've been misinformed.The caffeine content of a piece of chocolate is a lot lower that of coffee. An ounce of chocolate contains 6 mg of caffeine while coffee may contain 150 mg. Check out the table below.
Cup of coffee90-150 mg
Instant coffee60-80 mg
Chocolate bar30 mg

Chocolates cause heart disease.

Real chocolate can help you prevent heart problems. These chocolates contain high amount of cocoa butter that reduces cholesterol. They also contain vitamins and minerals like iron, magnesium, calcium, and potassium that muscles, joints, and nerves function well.

Chocolates cause cancer.

Dark chocolate contain antioxidants that remove harmful chemicals that may damage the cells in our body. Cocoa butter contains cocoa mass polyphenol (CMP) in which researchers in Japan found that CMP inhibits the growth of cancerous cells and tumors by reducing active oxygen levels in the body. Read more about this here.

Chocolates cause tooth decay and cavity.

Sugars and carbohydrates such as sucrose, glucose, fructose, cooked starch and others can easily remain in our teeth if we don't clean them regularly. These sugars are known as fermentable carbohydrates that are easily metabolized by the bacteria present in our mouth. These bacterias form aggressive acids from the fermentable carbohydrates we eat that weakens our tooth enamel. Chocolates are high in sugar but they melt quickly leaving little time for the bacteria to act on fermentable carbohydrates. Also, brushing your teeth regularly keeps your mouth and teeth clean and prevent tooth cavities.